Rise in COVID-19 Cases Noted in CCISD’s Latest Report


With the commencement of the new school year following the summer break, schools in the Coastal Bend region are witnessing a surge in COVID-19 cases. According to the Corpus Christi Independent School District, the Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District has registered 354 fresh cases between August 18 and 25. There is also an observable increase in COVID-19 cases throughout the district.

Dr. Kim Onufrak, associated with Surepoint Emergency Center, also reported an uptick in such cases in their emergency room. She emphasized that if you’re feeling unwell or have been in close contact with someone who is, it’s crucial to take preventive measures.

“If you’ve received a COVID diagnosis, adhering to isolation guidelines is important. You should isolate for a minimum of five days,” she advised. “However, research indicates that two out of three individuals can still transmit the virus even after these five days. Therefore, an additional five days of wearing masks upon returning to school or work is recommended.”

Onufrak mentioned that a negative test result might indicate testing too early, suggesting a retest after 48 hours for greater accuracy. In the case of a positive impact, an emerging symptom her team has observed is pink eye. Consequently, if a child exhibits this symptom, she suggests considering a COVID-19 test as well.

CCISD added that they diligently uphold their stringent sanitization and cleaning protocols regarding this matter. They are also actively promoting habits like regular handwashing and practicing respiratory etiquette among students and staff, all aimed at curbing the spread of infectious diseases.

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