Guajardo Envisions Repairing City’s 400 Streets in Just 12 Years

Road Repair

On Thursday, many community members, business leaders, elected officials, and prominent figures gathered at the American Bank Center. The occasion was the Corpus Christi mayor’s annual State of the City address. While various subjects were discussed, the focus was on the city’s streets.

Guajardo conveyed, “Our primary emphasis lies in street repair, and gratifyingly, we are witnessing substantial advancements. Amongst all endeavors to bolster our city’s economy, there’s nothing as vital as rectifying our streets.”

Guajardo provided insights into the existing infrastructure plan designed to address the approach taken by work crews in road repairs.

Presently, there exist 400 residential streets requiring urgent attention for restoration. Initially projected to span up to 60 years for completion, implementing the mayor’s strategy anticipates reducing the repair duration significantly to an estimated 12 years.

During her address, Guajardo highlighted numerous accomplishments that have unfolded across the city, all the while keeping an eye out for forthcoming prospects.

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