Discussing the Future of the After Hour Kid Power Program


The After-Hour Kid Power Program (AHKP), previously known as the Latchkey Program, has a longstanding history of assisting numerous working parents with after-school care. Yet, its future hinges on budgetary and enrollment challenges.

The Parks and Recreation Department of Corpus Christi stated that the AHKP Program serves 1,200 students and is available at various elementary schools within the Corpus Christi Independent School District (CCISD) and Calallen ISD.

During a recent budget session with the city council, the Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation Department highlighted the challenges faced by the program.

Enrollment has declined since the 2021 school year, leading to financial deficits. The program is spending more than its allocated budget due to decreased revenues.

Council member Jim Klein commented, “I want to ensure the program’s continuity if possible. There’s talk of falling enrollments, and I’m keen on verifying that data or understanding the reasons behind the decline.”

In 2021, the program reported a loss of $546,942. The following year, the deficit was $179,802. This year, the anticipated loss stands at $131,270.

The Parks and Recreation Department is undergoing a strategic evaluation of the program. This includes collaboration with CCISD to tackle issues such as dwindling enrollments and considering the possibility of relocating the program to city recreational centers. They are also looking into adopting after-school care models from other cities.

“If we can understand the enrollment trends and the reasons for any decline, I would personally support increasing the program’s funding,” Klein expressed.

The department mentioned that they’re in the preliminary phase of their review, which is expected to last several months. A final decision about the program’s future will be deferred until the evaluation is fully completed.

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