Animal Shelter Quarantines Aggressive Dogs Following Attacks

Animal Care Services (ACS) has recently teamed up with local police to patrol the Del Mar College Heritage Campus following alarming dog attacks. This action was spurred by a distressing incident on Tuesday night, where a young boy fell victim to an attack by a pack of 11 medium-sized dogs near Howard Street, highlighting a growing concern for public safety in the area.

Miguel Escobar, the Interim Program Manager for ACS, disclosed that a significant operation was launched in response to these attacks. On Wednesday, more than a dozen dogs were discovered in the vicinity of the DMC Heritage Campus, some of whom were identified as participants in the recent assaults. Escobar reported, “We could impound 13 animals roaming free of restraint. We also successfully impounded and placed three confirmed biting animals from these recent attacks into quarantine.”

The three dogs deemed particularly violent are currently under close observation for signs of rabies, a necessary precaution to ensure public health and safety. In a notable enforcement action, the owner of the 11 dogs involved in the attack on the boy was issued citations for each dog, with penalties potentially reaching up to $500 per animal. This incident could also trigger further investigations into the dogs’ behavior, possibly leading to additional charges for harboring dangerous and aggressive pets.

Escobar pointed to irresponsible pet ownership as the root of the problem, stating, “We were able to identify all these animals and the owner of all of these animals. This comes back to the irresponsible pet ownership that we, unfortunately, have a plethora of within this city.” He emphasized the critical issue of proper pet responsibility, noting that many animals seen roaming around Corpus Christi are not strays but are owned pets whose owners negligently allow them to wander unrestrained.

The aggressive dogs involved in recent incidents are subjected to a quarantine period of 240 hours. Escobar clarified that ACS evaluates all animals impartially, and depending on the circumstances, some may be euthanized. He highlighted the continuous efforts of ACS to address the issue of loose animals in the community, operating both day and night to respond to related calls.

Escobar stressed the importance of responsible pet ownership, stating, “If these animals are more socialized, if these animals are cared for, if these owners take the common courtesy to restrain their animals, which is ordained by law, we don’t find ourselves within these situations.” He urged community members to report any concerns about loose or aggressive animals to the City of Corpus Christi’s 311 call center, use the city’s app, contact ACS directly at 361-826-4630, or call the CCPD’s non-emergency number at 361-886-2600.

This recent collaboration between ACS and the police at the Del Mar College Heritage Campus serves as a stark reminder of the crucial role that pet owners play in ensuring the safety and well-being of the community. It underscores the need for heightened awareness and responsibility among pet owners to prevent such unfortunate incidents.

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