Alice ISD Reports Increased Attendance Following New Truancy Initiative


Officials from Alice Independent School District believe they are making progress with their attendance issues. This comes in the wake of a new initiative launched this school year, which addresses the concern of a high number of students staying home and skipping school.

The “Attendance Matters” campaign is Alice ISD’s latest initiative, drawing support from principals, board members, and law enforcement, all uniting to combat truancy. Last year, Alice ISD Superintendent Anysia Trevino highlighted the concerning statistics, noting a daily attendance rate of only 89.41%, equating to 479 students absent daily.

However, this year, the district has been actively promoting its program on social media platforms, including Facebook. This campaign is making a difference, with attendance rates now climbing to around 93%.

Trevino shared that district representatives are taking to the streets and making phone calls to ensure students return to school. “Administrators, parent liaisons, and attendance clerks are all actively reaching out. Additionally, we’re partnering with the police department to address persistent absenteeism and bring those students back to school,” she added.

Sheriff Danny Bueno of Jim Wells County fully supports this initiative. His endorsement stems not just from his law enforcement background but also from his 25 years serving as a school board member for Ben Bolt.

“I recognize the value of education and the crucial role each of you plays on every campus. It requires collective efforts – reaching out to friends, neighbors, and family. Let’s discuss, perhaps over dinner, ways to better our children’s futures,” he expressed.

Alice Police Chief Eden Garcia highlighted that his department is committed to ensuring students return to school.

“If your child is reluctant to attend school and you’re unsure who to approach, we will proactively bring the information to you right at your doorstep,” Garcia stated.

Parents have expressed appreciation for the efforts to address truancy, especially since they ensure their children attend school punctually.

“It’s crucial for them to arrive on time. Today, we’re running a bit late,” remarked Alice ISD parent Teresa Carrillo.

Parents who fail to ensure their child’s attendance could face fines of up to $500 and may even face criminal charges, unlike many parents who manage to send their children to school consistently.

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