Housing Funds Announced to Combat Homelessness

Affordable Housing

In a significant step toward addressing the growing issue of homelessness, the City of Corpus Christi has announced the availability of over $3 million in funding. This initiative specifically targets reducing homelessness and creating affordable housing options for the city’s most vulnerable populations. Moreover, the funds will be distributed to non-profits, Public Housing Authorities, and quasi-governmental agencies that apply, offering a much-needed lifeline to organizations dedicated to serving the community.

Mission 911 Steps Up to Apply for Funding

One of the first organizations to apply for this funding is Mission 911, a local non-profit committed to helping those living in poverty and on the brink of homelessness. Paulo Salazar, the Interim Executive Director of Mission 911, emphasized the organization’s mission to bridge the gap for those in need by connecting them with essential resources. “That’s our goal, to fill the gap out there,” Salazar stated. “We can’t do it all, but these funds will go a long way in helping us fulfill our mission.”

Mission 911 has a long history of serving the Corpus Christi community, assisting more than 600 households annually. Their primary focus is helping families at risk of losing their homes. Salazar pointed out the growing crisis in the city, noting that the homeless population continues to expand. “You don’t have to be in Corpus Christi long to know that we have a homeless population crisis that continues to grow. Mission 911 can’t do it by itself. That’s where this money comes into play from the city,” he said.

Funding Options to Support Critical Services

The funding, made available through the HOME Investment Partnerships Program American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, is divided into two main categories. The first category offers $2 million for supportive services, which include vital areas such as child care, transportation, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, and job training—all crucial components in the fight against homelessness.

The second funding option provides up to $1.16 million for Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA). The program helps low-income households afford rent in the private market, actively preventing homelessness before it starts. Additionally, it allocates funds for operations, capacity building, and administrative purposes, ensuring that organizations like Mission 911 have the necessary resources to continue their essential work.

Salazar expressed optimism about the impact this funding could have, stating, “This money goes a long way. We’re going to be able to help with services like child care, transportation, housing, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, job training, and preventing homelessness.”

Additional Funding from the State of Texas

Beyond the City of Corpus Christi funding, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs has made at least $217,309 available for essential services, homeless assistance, and prevention efforts. This additional funding provides another avenue for organizations to seek support in combatting homelessness.

Mission 911 is actively pursuing these funds to continue its outreach programs and support for needy families. Salazar emphasized the importance of this financial support, saying, “Mission 911 hopes to secure some of this funding so we can continue helping those families in need and continue our outreach programs.”

Application Deadline Approaches

The City of Corpus Christi accepts applications for this critical funding until August 28. Non-profits, Public Housing Authorities, and quasi-governmental agencies are encouraged to apply to help address the pressing issues of homelessness and affordable housing in the community.

With these funds, the city and its dedicated organizations like Mission 911 are taking decisive steps to make a lasting impact on the lives of those who need it most.

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