Villa Del Sol Condominiums on Fire

Villa Del Sol Condominiums on Fire

The Corpus Christi Fire Department is investigating a fire at the Villa Del Sol Condominiums on North Beach at 3938 Surfside Blvd. The incident occurred on Friday afternoon, raising concerns about fire safety at the property, which had experienced a similar event just a few weeks prior.

Firefighters Respond Swiftly to the Blaze

Chief Billy Belyue of the Corpus Christi Fire Department reported that the call came in shortly after 2 p.m. on Friday. Upon arrival, firefighters located the source of the fire between the first and second floors near the condominium’s front office. Despite heavy smoke filling the area, fire crews quickly contained the blaze. Interestingly, no maintenance work was being done on the affected floors, making the cause of the fire unclear.

A Second Fire at the Same Property

This incident marks the second fire at the Villa Del Sol Condominiums in just a few weeks. The previous fire occurred in another building on the property on August 12 and is still under investigation. Chief Randy Paige, a fire investigator, revealed that the property’s fire alarms were not operational during the earlier incident, raising serious safety concerns.

Villa Del Sol Under Fire Watch

The Fire Marshal has placed the Villa Del Sol Condominiums under fire watch as a precautionary measure. It requires multiple personnel to be present at all times to monitor for potential emergencies. These individuals are responsible for documenting incidents and reporting them directly to the Corpus Christi Fire Department. The fire watch is a crucial step in ensuring the safety of residents and property until the investigation is complete and proper fire prevention measures are restored.

Firefighters Suffers Heat Exhaustion

During the firefighting efforts, one firefighter experienced heat exhaustion. Fortunately, he did not require hospital treatment and is reportedly recovering well. No other injuries were reported, and no residents were harmed during the incident.

Investigation Ongoing

The cause of Friday’s fire remains unknown, adding to the uncertainty surrounding the safety of Villa Del Sol. With two fires in such a short time, investigators are working diligently to determine the source of the incidents and prevent further occurrences.

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