“Tripledemic” Explained: Health Experts on Flu Season and Current Virus Risks


The term “tripledemic” might be unfamiliar, but it points to the concurrent activity of three potent viruses.

Medical professionals are concerned that flu, COVID-19, and RSV could surge this autumn, potentially overwhelming emergency hospital units.

Dr. Jaime Fergie, the Chief of Infectious Diseases at Driscoll Children’s Hospital, noted that with the shifting weather, respiratory illness risks rise.

“Currently, we’re witnessing a surge in RSV cases, with many children presenting at the ER, requiring outpatient treatments, hospitalizations, and intensive care,” commented Dr. Fergie.

“If all these outbreaks peak simultaneously, we could observe a marked rise in individuals of all age groups falling ill with one or several of these viruses, leading to increased ER visits and hospitalizations.”

Dr. Jessica Acevedo-Gracia, a pediatrician in Corpus Christi, mentioned that RSV is a common childhood ailment, and most children contracting it might not necessitate hospital care. However, she has noticed a growing number of RSV cases among children.

“Traditionally, RSV was prevalent from October through March. However, COVID has somewhat altered this timeline. We observed many RSV cases last summer, and this trend seems to continue this summer,” she remarked.

Dr. Fergie added that RSV cases are also rising among individuals above 60. While this can be concerning, there’s a silver lining: the recent introduction of an RSV vaccine designed for pregnant women and the elderly.

“Now, every newborn, or any baby whose mother hasn’t received the RSV vaccine, should be administered a specific shot, which are the long-acting monoclonal antibodies, to shield them from RSV.”

Both physicians recommend obtaining all three vaccinations for oneself and family members. Residents with queries should promptly consult their healthcare providers to prevent potential illnesses in the future.

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