Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions: Local Doctor Advises a Slow and Steady Approach


Embarking on a lifestyle change is akin to running a marathon, not a sprint, a philosophy deeply understood and advocated by Dr. Chad Peters of Armadillo Sport Chiropractic. Dr. Peters emphasizes the significance of this mindset, especially for those eager to enhance their health and fitness with the advent of the New Year.

Dr. Peters draws an analogy, likening the surge of fitness resolutions at the year’s start to the grand migration of monarch butterflies from Mexico. As a sport-based chiropractor, he has observed a common pitfall leading to failure in fitness endeavors. Many people set ambitious goals like running faster, lifting heavier, or starting a rigorous workout regimen without considering the readiness of their bodies. This oversight, especially in the mobility of shoulders, hips, and ankles, often leads to injuries.

He advises a more measured approach. Dr. Peters suggests breaking down the fitness journey into manageable segments, focusing on making a difference every three months. However, he stresses the importance of a longer-term perspective, encouraging a year-long commitment. This approach, he assures, can lead to transformative results that might not be immediately apparent but are significantly impactful over time.

Consistency, according to Dr. Peters, is the golden key to success. This can profoundly affect one’s fitness journey. The ideal exercise program, he suggests, is sustainable, enjoyable, and looked forward to each day. This adherence to a routine one loves any specific fitness solution in effectiveness.

They emphasize the adage that ‘slow and steady wins the race,’ Dr. Peters points out a common trend in fitness resolutions. He notes that ninety percent of people have abandoned their fitness plans by the time the Super Bowl rolls around. To counter this, he advises taking a longer view. The initial weeks of January should be used to explore and identify activities one genuinely enjoys. This exploration and subsequent enjoyment are critical in enhancing the likelihood of long-term adherence and success.

Dr. Peters’ message is clear: lifestyle changes require patience, consistency, and a love for the process. It’s about finding joy in the journey and allowing time for the body to adapt and transform. By adopting a steady, measured approach and aligning with activities that resonate personally, one can achieve lasting change and significant improvements in health and fitness.

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