Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month of September

Suicide Ribbon

September marks National Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and offering support for those affected by suicide. In recognition of this vital cause, organizers held the 6th annual walk to honor Cristian Gabriel Rodriguez, who tragically lost his life to suicide in 2018. This event not only serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact suicide has on families and communities, but it also fosters open discussions about mental health and suicide prevention.

A Day of Remembrance and Support

The event kicked off at 8:30 a.m. with registration, followed by the walk at around 9:30 a.m. Participants gathered to honor those they had lost or been affected by, creating a powerful sense of community and shared grief. One of the most moving moments of the day was when Cristian’s mother, Christine Martinez, shared her heartbreaking experience of losing her son to suicide. Her words touched the hearts of many, highlighting the devastating consequences of suicide and the importance of seeking help.

Local organizations such as Del Mar College Counseling Services, Family Counseling Services, Inc., and Community and Schools for CCISD were present at the event. They spoke to attendees, offering crucial mental health resources and support to those in need. These organizations play a vital role in helping individuals access the care and guidance they need, especially during moments of crisis.

Honoring Cristian’s Legacy

Organizers encouraged participants to wear #CrisHope T-shirts, symbolizing unity and hope, as they walked to honor their loved ones. Many brought signs reading, “I walk in honor/memory of…,” highlighting the personal significance the event held for them. A large “Walk for Cristian” display provided a space for walkers to take photos and mark the occasion.

Event organizers also set up tables with community bags that contained essential information on suicide awareness, crisis hotline numbers, hope cards, and wristbands with the phrase “YOUR STORY MATTERS.” These materials reminded everyone that every life is valuable and that hope exists, even in the darkest moments.

Christine Martinez emphasized the importance of education and breaking the stigma surrounding mental health issues. “I’d say keep an open mind as far as being receptive to education to prevent it,” she said. “There’s no shame in asking for help; we want to make it okay. That’s why we put this walk together. We walk in honor of my son, inviting the community and speakers to share valuable information. So that people are educated, and given that awareness.”

Supporting the Cause

The event was free, but organizers accepted donations to support The Cristian Gabriel Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship Fund, created in partnership with The Coastal Bend Community Foundation and The Cris’Hope Foundation. These donations help students in need and advance suicide prevention efforts in the community.

If you missed the event and still want to contribute, you can donate through PayPal or

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