Safety Reminder: TxDOT Advises Against Drinking and Driving During Holidays

The holiday season is a period of joy and festivity, marked by special gatherings with loved ones. In Texas, many look forward to reuniting with friends and family, especially around the Thanksgiving table. However, amidst these celebrations, there’s a somber reality that cannot be ignored: the devastating impact of drunk driving.

In Texas last year, drunk driving claimed the lives of 1,246 individuals. For the families of these victims, the holiday season brings a reminder of irreplaceable loss, overshadowing any potential for celebration. TxDOT Executive Director Marc Williams emphasizes the gravity of this issue, urging Texans to avoid turning holiday festivities into life-altering tragedies. He stresses the importance of planning for a safe and sober ride when organizing holiday events. The risks of drinking and driving extend beyond legal consequences; they endanger jobs, lives, and the well-being of others. The message is clear: the cost is too high.

The statistics are alarming. In the brief span of 32 days in 2022, Texas witnessed 108 deaths and 229 serious injuries due to DUI-alcohol-related accidents. These incidents leave behind a trail of enduring pain and grief for the affected families. In the Corpus Christi District alone, encompassing counties like Aransas, Bee, Goliad, and others, there were over 12,000 traffic crashes resulting in 118 fatalities and 382 serious injuries last year. Corpus Christi city reported 422 DUI-alcohol-related traffic crashes, leading to 11 deaths and 19 severe injuries.

These numbers aren’t just statistics; they represent real lives, real families shattered by preventable tragedies. Drunk driving accidents carry lasting physical, emotional, and financial tolls, yet they are entirely avoidable.

The message for this holiday season is clear: If you plan to drink, do not drive. There are numerous alternatives to ensure safety. Designate a sober driver, use ride-share services or taxis, call a friend or family member, or opt for public transportation. Making responsible choices can prevent irreversible consequences and ensure that the holiday season remains a time of joy and celebration for everyone.

As we enter this festive period, let’s remember the importance of safety and responsibility. By making wise decisions and looking out for each other, we can preserve the spirit of the holidays and protect our communities from the sorrow of loss due to drunk driving. Let’s cherish these moments with our loved ones and ensure everyone’s safety on the roads.

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