Recovery Coaches Discuss Beating Addiction Through Personal Stories


This month, the Coastal Bend is focusing on the effect of addiction on families to mark National Recovery Month. People who have overcome addiction from ‘The Council on Alcohol + Drug Abuse – Coastal Bend’ share their experiences to encourage others to seek help. Jessica Corales, a recovery coordinator at the nonprofit, discovered the right kind of support for her recovery during her most challenging times.

“Feeling guilty and ashamed took me down a dark path very quickly,” said Corales. She recalls her childhood: “I grew up in a middle-class home but suffered from sexual trauma at a young age. That probably paved the way for my addiction later on.”

As she transitioned into adulthood, Corales turned to alcohol and meth to numb her pain. “When my probation officer told me all I needed was one clean drug test by Friday, and I found myself using by Tuesday or Wednesday, I knew I was truly addicted,” she said. Now, Corales works as a recovery coach at The Council on Alcohol + Drug Abuse – Coastal Bend. “I help people reconstruct their lives,” she added.

Similarly, Kimberly Wilson, another recovery coach, battled her addictions. “I started using at 12 because of my broken family and mental health issues. It seemed harmless at first until it wasn’t,” Wilson said. After the death of her first husband, Wilson sought solace in substances but realized she needed external support to break free. “My family was supportive but couldn’t truly understand my struggle. You have to have been there to get it,” she explained.

Making progress was challenging for Wilson. “There’s a comfort in old, familiar pain,” she said. Nonetheless, with the guidance of her recovery coach, Wilson found a support system that worked for her.

“This is my calling,” she said. “I’m here to extend a hand to someone stuck in that dark place. Think of me as your ladder; just reach out, and I’ll help pull you up.”

For more details, you can reach out to The Council on Alcohol + Drug Abuse – Coastal Bend by calling 361-854-9199.

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