New Judge of the 28th District Court

New Judge

A New Era for the 28th District Court

After 28 years of service under Judge Nanette Hassette, the 28th District Court welcomed a new judge to the bench. On Thursday, Jan. 9, Michael McCauley was officially sworn in at the Nueces County Courthouse, marking the beginning of his tenure.

A Memorable Ceremony

The swearing-in ceremony was attended by a large crowd of peers, family members, and supporters. Addressing the audience, McCauley expressed gratitude and excitement:

“I am thrilled to see all these people here,” McCauley said. “A lot of them I’ve known all my life; a lot of them I’ve just met on the campaign trail.”

The moment was a testament to McCauley’s deep ties to the community and his dedication to public service.

A Career Built on Experience

With over 20 years of experience as an attorney in the private and public sectors, McCauley’s career began in the District Attorney’s office. His return to the judicial system is something he views as a homecoming.

“I feel like this is a full-circle moment, and I’m back where I belong,” he said, reflecting on his journey to the bench.

Goals for the Future

Looking ahead, McCauley emphasized his commitment to efficiency and fiscal responsibility. He outlined his primary objectives as a judge:

  • Ensuring the court operates as efficiently as possible.
  • Expediting the docket to reduce case backlogs.
  • Saving taxpayer money through improved processes.

“My goal is to be as efficient as possible, move the docket along as quickly as possible, and to save the taxpayers money,” McCauley stated. “We know it’s all money, myself included. We want to save as much money as possible and be efficient.”

A Birthday Victory

McCauley’s appointment is significant not only for the district but also for him. He was elected to the position on Nov. 5, which also marks his birthday. His four-year term will allow him to bring his vision of efficiency and community-focused service to life.

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