Mathis EMS Workers Training to Become Paramedics


Several Mathis EMS station workers attend a state-sponsored paramedic school covering books, tuition, and the initial national registry exam fee.

“I truly didn’t have the funds for these expenses, but the program covered it all,” said EMT Amanda Vickers.

Vickers is training to become a paramedic under the Texas EMS Recruitment and Retention Funding Program. After completing a nine-month course, she and her peers will finish by the end of November.

“An EMT provides fundamental life-saving measures such as CPR and basic medications. But with a paramedic certification, there’s a deeper knowledge of cardiology, pharmacology, IV fluids, and managing airways,” stated EMS Lieutenant Ryan Taylor.

These EMTs are immediately implementing their new knowledge in real-world scenarios. When attending a call, they now have access to specific controlled medications.

“As a paramedic, we can administer drugs like morphine or controlled fentanyl for pain relief,” Vickers explained.

Additionally, their training goes beyond just fundamental life-saving techniques.

“We’ll soon be equipped to administer shocks if the heart rate is too fast or assist a slow heartbeat with the same method. We can’t do this currently, but by next week, we will be capable,” shared EMT Robert Aldape.

Soon, Mathis and San Patricio County residents can expect a heightened quality of Emergency Medical Services.

“We aim to have a paramedic on every shift, as opposed to just one shift having a paramedic and the others only having basic EMTs,” Vickers commented.

Funding remains available for those interested in pursuing an EMT or paramedic career. You can contact the Coastal Bend Regional Advisory Committee for more information if you’d like to know more interested individuals.

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