Local Initiative Supports Businesses Post-Storms

Local Support

Several organizations in Corpus Christi have banded together to create a supportive initiative to uplift local businesses grappling with financial hardships following Tropical Storm Alberto and Hurricane Beryl. Mayor Paulette Guajardo spearheaded this initiative, which aims to revitalize the community’s economy through the CC Me Impact Week.

CC Me Impact Week: A Call to Action

Mayor Paulette Guajardo officially declared July 9 to July 19 CC Me Impact Week. This dedicated week encourages the community to support local shops and restaurants. “Anything we can do to support local small businesses because they’re the heart of our community,” Guajardo emphasized.

The Impact of Recent Storms

Since 2019, Nueces Brewing Company has been a staple in downtown Corpus Christi. However, co-owner Cale Moore noted that the recent storms have significantly impacted their business. “This probably is one of the worst summers we’ve had, honestly,” Moore admitted. “We’ve had some good weeks, but as a whole, it doesn’t take much, and this week was bad.”

Moore further explained that the summer season is crucial for the success of many restaurants and bars. “Most of these restaurants and bars rely on the summer to pack away cash to get through the slow season. Without a perfect summer, it will be a terrible winter,” he said.

Local Collaborative Efforts

The CC Me Impact Week initiative is a collaborative effort by Visit Corpus Christi, the United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce, and Mayor Guajardo. President/CEO of Visit Corpus Christi, Brett Oetting, highlighted the importance of this initiative, stating, “This is a way of us supporting those small businesses by challenging the community to go out and have an extra lunch, go out and do some shopping at a local restaurant, and experience our attractions.”

Engaging the Local Community

The initiative includes a photo contest with a giveaway drawing to engage the community. Locals are encouraged to take pictures while dining, shopping, and enjoying various activities at Corpus Christi businesses. “And we’re going to give some gift cards to some who do it,” Oetting said.

Hopes for a Brighter Future

Moore expressed his gratitude for the community’s support, although he remains uncertain whether businesses will experience another surge of customers this summer. “It’s much appreciated,” he said. “We’re happy everybody is putting in some effort, and they realize everybody is hurting down here.”

Oetting echoed these sentiments: “This is just a way of showing we’re one community and all working together. We want to get out and support each other.”

Photo Contest Details

The photo contest drawing will occur on Friday, July 19, at 2 p.m. Three winners will receive $125 gift cards to a Corpus Christi business of their choosing. For more information about the contest, click here.

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