Insurance Preparation as Hurricane Season is Here


With the start of hurricane season, Coastal Bend residents need to remember the importance of having adequate insurance coverage for preparedness. While Hurricane Beryl did not make a direct hit, it served as a stark reminder of the need to be ready, especially in flood-prone areas.

Increased Activity and the Need for Coverage

John Serrata of State Farm Insurance reports a significant uptick in calls since the arrival of Tropical Storm Alberto, with even more inquiries following Hurricane Beryl. Just weeks ago, South Texas faced heavy winds and severe flooding, leaving many homes underwater and damaged. Although Corpus Christi was spared, Houston, Matagorda, and surrounding areas experienced substantial impacts.

“Our phones have definitely gone off,” Serrata noted. “Our quote numbers have increased by approximately 50% since the season began.” He stressed the importance of obtaining storm coverage ahead of hurricane season, highlighting that it’s not too late for those who haven’t yet secured a policy. State Farm Insurance provides coverage for windstorm and hail damage and collaborates with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to offer flood insurance to those in vulnerable areas.

Policy Reviews and New Coverage

“We reach out to our existing policyholders every six months to review and update their policies, especially for hurricane season,” Serrata explained. “We ensure they have windstorm coverage, which is critical in our area, along with hail insurance. For new customers, we thoroughly review everything they need to know to be properly covered.”

Insurance Restrictions and Premiums

There are some restrictions on insurance coverage for weather events, but timely action can make a difference. Once a storm forms in the Gulf of Mexico, many companies halt new coverage provisions. “If you wait until something is in the Gulf and manage to get coverage, expect higher premiums,” Serrata warned. Additionally, FEMA imposes a 30-day waiting period before a flood insurance policy becomes effective.

Resident Insights: Importance of Insurance

Frank Morales, a fully covered resident, emphasized the need for comprehensive home protection. “It’s essential,” Morales said. “You need windstorm insurance and flood insurance. I have both for my home to avoid losing everything without recourse. These are significant investments.”

Emergency Living Expenses

Serrata also highlighted the importance of coverage for emergency living expenses. “If you cannot live in your home due to a loss, insurance will cover costs for temporary housing, food, fuel, and related expenses,” he said.

Taking Action This Hurricane Season

Homeowners can still take proactive steps to protect their homes this hurricane season. State Farm Insurance continues to provide policies for those in need. In addition to securing the proper insurance coverage, here are crucial steps to take:

  • Evacuation Plan: Have a clear and actionable evacuation plan.
  • Inventory Check: Conduct a thorough inventory check of important belongings to facilitate insurance claims.
  • Window Protection: Cover or board up all windows in your home.
  • Secure Outdoor Items: Secure or bring inside outdoor items to prevent them from becoming high-wind projectiles.
  • Emergency Supplies Kit: Assemble an emergency kit with food, essential medical supplies, and flashlights.
  • Power Backup: Keep batteries and chargers available for your devices, and consider acquiring a generator if possible.

As hurricane season unfolds, preparedness is crucial. By securing appropriate insurance coverage and taking proactive measures, residents can better protect their homes and families. Don’t wait until it’s too late—ensure your policies are up to date and take necessary precautions today.

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