Ingleside Police Ready for Annual Halloween Parade Crowds


As the spooky season draws near and Halloween festivities commence across the nation, there’s a blend of excitement and concern in the air. Halloween is not just about tricks and treats and costumes; it’s also about ensuring safety, especially when massive gatherings are involved. For residents of Ingleside who might be fretting over the annual Halloween Parade, the city has got you covered.

Ingleside’s Police Chief, Tammy Burr, is on a mission. Her commitment is unwavering: to make sure everyone in the community can enjoy Halloween festivities without a shadow of worry. “We’ll be out in full force that night,” assures Chief Burr. While the event sees around 30 floats every year, adding to its grandeur, it also means increased vigilance. Halloween night can be unpredictable. The Police Department is taking no chances, especially when it comes to monitoring sex offenders and ensuring they adhere to regulations. Officers will be strategically stationed at every intersection to maximize safety.

The city’s dedication to a smooth and safe event isn’t just limited to policing. Brenton Lewis, the City Manager, reveals that the city is leaving no stone unturned. Thousands flock to participate in the parade annually, many of them children brimming with enthusiasm. To prevent any unforeseen accidents, every float driver will have a spotter with them. Lewis says, “They’ll be watching the children as they’re running up to grab the candy because they’re all excited about it.” It is a simple yet effective measure that could prevent any unfortunate incidents.
The message from the Ingleside Police Department is crystal clear: “If you see something, say something.” This isn’t just a catchphrase; it’s a genuine appeal. Chief Burr emphasizes that her team is ever-ready to investigate any suspicious activity.

So, as you mark your calendars for the parade on Tuesday, October 31 at 6 p.m., starting at Ingleside High School and concluding at N.O. Simmons Park, remember – safety is a collective responsibility. Let’s ensure that this Halloween is not just memorable but also safe for everyone involved!

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