Increase in Children’s Illnesses Following School Reopening

kid sick

As students head back to school, health professionals in the area observe a rise in upper respiratory infections and common colds, coinciding with the commencement of a new academic year in the Coastal Bend region.

Dr. Eric Baggerman, the CEO and pediatrician at Amistad Health, highlighted the ongoing risk associated with children congregating nearby. “As the school year kicks off, it’s during the second and third weeks that we begin to observe an increase in these conditions and notice children falling ill,” explained Dr. Baggerman.

He noted that this marks the second consecutive summer when Amistad Health has encountered a surge in upper respiratory infections. During this period, patient visits surged by around 30%, encompassing a variety of symptoms.

“Symptoms range from fevers to congestion, coughing, sore throats, and occasionally, ear pain,” Dr. Baggerman detailed.

For those feeling unwell, seeking medical attention is advised by Dr. Baggerman, mainly if there’s concern about the well-being of a child or oneself.

When it comes to treatment, approaches differ based on the specific illness. Dr. Baggerman suggested over-the-counter medications as applicable and recommended remedies like Vicks VapoRub and honey for managing coughs. He highlighted that consulting a physician can determine if additional treatments, such as specific prescriptions, are needed.

Dr. Baggerman advised maintaining distance if feeling unwell, refraining from sharing drinks, and covering mouths during coughs or sneezes. “Washing hands before meals and avoiding touching the face are essential practices to prevent the spread of the viruses that can make us sick,” emphasized Dr. Baggerman.

He underscored the importance of remaining vigilant for COVID-19 and the flu, as they can pose serious risks for individuals with underlying health concerns. As of the latest data on August 11, Nueces County recorded 285 new COVID-19 cases. Dr. Baggerman stressed the need to stay cautious, even for healthy people.


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