Holiday Hills Christmas Trees Make a Comeback in the Coastal Bend

Are you a resident of the Coastal Bend seeking a unique Christmas experience, perhaps even on Thanksgiving Day? You’re not alone. This year, many locals ventured out on Thanksgiving Thursday to find their perfect Christmas tree.

For 35 years, one Christmas tree stand has become a holiday tradition, offering the chance to start the festive season on Thanksgiving. This year, we visited the iconic location – the back parking lot of La Palmera Mall, where the Holiday Hills Christmas Tree tents have sprung up, filled with an array of fresh-cut trees.

Annie Lane, a Holiday Hills Christmas Trees representative, shared some essential tips for maintaining a fresh-cut tree. The key to longevity, she explained, is ensuring the tree is placed in water within 30 minutes of purchase and kept hydrated throughout the season. “The most important part is to get it home within 30 minutes. And then back in the water. Otherwise, that fresh-cut stump starts to seal, and it won’t drink,” Lane advised.

The scene at the tree stand was bustling, with workers diligently sawing trees and securing them in frames while shoppers browsed the selection. Isaiah Zuniga, one of the customers, spoke about his search for the ideal tree, focusing on affordability in these economically challenging times. “Either a Douglas fir type of tree mostly because it’s more affordable since it’s costly nowadays and especially with food and stuff,” Zuniga said.

The price range of the trees was quite varied. While some premium trees neared the $1000 mark, there were also options closer to $100, catering to different budgets.

This year, the Holiday Hills stand is set to operate seven days a week throughout the holiday season, ensuring ample opportunity for everyone to find their perfect tree. The frame offers a solution for those concerned about transportation – if your car isn’t big enough for your chosen tree, delivery services are available.

The return of the Holiday Hills Christmas Trees to the Coastal Bend is more than just about selling trees. It’s about continuing a tradition that brings the spirit of Christmas alive even as Thanksgiving festivities are underway. For many, it’s the start of the holiday season, a time to gather with family, decorate the home, and immerse in Christmas’s joy and warmth.

In conclusion, the Holiday Hills Christmas Tree stand is not just a place to buy a tree; it’s a cornerstone of holiday celebrations in the Coastal Bend. Whether you’re looking for a grand tree to make a statement or a modest one to fit a tighter budget, this longstanding tradition caters to all, ensuring the holiday spirit is alive and well in Coastal Bend.

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