Gregory Portland Student Captures Moments


Gregory Portland High School boasts of its diverse array of talents, and among those rising stars is sophomore Michael Kelly. Since 7th grade, Kelly has been submerged in the world of TV production, absorbing as much as he can and translating it into his art of capturing moments.

Kelly’s dedication and zeal towards TV production have been noticeable, especially under the guidance of GPTV director David Raines. Over the past two years, Raines has been instrumental in teaching Kelly about the ins and outs of camera operations. Raines is quick to highlight Kelly’s unwavering commitment and passion. “Kelly is a dedicated student who is ardent about learning and constantly striving to excel in his class,” he remarked.

It’s not just classroom lessons for Kelly. He’s also the one behind the camera during GP’s Friday night football matches and the school’s morning announcements. On the experience, Kelly expressed, “I like to film my friends as they announce. They explain what’s scheduled for each day, and I enjoy being a part of that.”

Raines fondly recalls Kelly’s involvement since the program’s inception three years ago. “Michael is quite proactive. He often advises the first-year students by referring to videos we produced in the past, suggesting better ways to do things. It’s wonderful to see him taking pride and ownership in his work,” Raines said. This sentiment is echoed by Kelly, who, filled with pride, stated, “After a game or during halftime, I just feel so proud of what I’ve accomplished.”

Kelly’s impact isn’t limited to just the technical side of things. Two of his peers, Rylee Guzman and Connor Sheehy, also acknowledge the invaluable lessons they’ve gleaned from working alongside him. Sheehy appreciates Kelly’s dedication, saying, “He’s brilliant at what he does. It’s commendable how he takes time out of his day to share the workload with us.” Guzman, on the other hand, is inspired by Kelly’s courteous demeanor. “He treats everyone with the same respect. His manners are truly contagious,” she added.

With dreams in his eyes, Kelly aspires to further his journey in the world of TV production. His goal? To intern at a prominent station and eventually secure a position as a cameraman. His dedication and spirit speak volumes about his capability to achieve this dream.
David Raines beautifully summarized Kelly’s journey and the importance of such initiatives in schools. “It’s vital for everyone to find their niche, a space where they feel acknowledged, can make meaningful contributions, and genuinely sense that they’re making a difference,” he said.

In a world where everyone is searching for their calling, Michael Kelly serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us all that passion, dedication, and a willingness to learn can indeed pave the path to success.

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