Flooding Hits North Beach: Residents and Tourists Impacted


North Beach, typically prone to occasional flooding, is experiencing unprecedented water levels. Residents are calling this the worst flooding they’ve ever witnessed. The dire situation has prompted emergency services, including the Corpus Christi Fire Department (CCFD) and FEMA, to deploy and assist, potentially evacuating those in danger.

Residents’ Harrowing Experiences

“I might be losing my truck and my car,” lamented resident Joe Herrera as he navigated the flooded streets. Describing the scene, he added, “It feels like you’re in a swimming pool. And especially now, people are trying to walk back and forth, getting water and milk.”

Herrera, who has lived in North Beach for three years, expressed his shock at the severity of the flooding. “I’ve been here a couple of times when it rains, but it never gets this bad,” he said. His sentiment was echoed by another resident, Clyde Schilling, who has been in the area for four years. “This seems to be the worst since we’ve been here. About four years ago, it was bad, but I don’t think it was as bad as this.”

Tourists Caught Off Guard from Flooding

The flooding has also taken tourists by surprise. When visiting from New Mexico, Richard Lajeunesse found his rental vehicle submerged and damaged by the floodwaters. “This was highly unexpected. Yesterday was a little rainy, and we didn’t think anything like this would happen. Going back to the hotel, we got stuck in the flood,” he recounted.

Emergency Response and Evacuations

In response to the crisis, authorities deployed boats to facilitate evacuations. The Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (CCRTA) confirmed they transported at least 20 people from the flooded area to a safer location at the Southside natatorium. CCFD has strongly urged people to avoid North Beach for their safety.

Community in Shock from Flooding

The sudden and severe flooding has left the North Beach community in shock. Long-time residents and newcomers grapple with the aftermath as they witness their homes and belongings submerged under water. The coordinated efforts of emergency services have provided some relief, but the road to recovery will undoubtedly be long and challenging.

As North Beach confronts one of its most severe flooding events, the resilience and solidarity of its residents, along with the swift response from emergency services, are remarkable. Nevertheless, this disaster highlights the unpredictable weather and underscores the importance of preparedness. As the community embarks on the recovery process, they hope to implement measures to prevent future occurrences.

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