Drownings at Lake Corpus Christi


With the official start of summer just two weeks away, Lake Corpus Christi has already witnessed two tragic drownings within a single week. This alarming statistic has raised concerns and highlighted the need for heightened safety measures.

Recent Drownings at Lake Corpus Christi

On June 2, a 13-year-old boy tragically drowned while swimming at Lake Corpus Christi. Just a few days later, on June 9, a 19-year-old man fell overboard from a pontoon boat and also drowned. Neither victim survived, marking a sad beginning to the summer season.

“There is no age discrimination on water fatalities. Everyone is susceptible to it,” stated Captain Ben Baker, a Texas Parks & Wildlife Game Warden. Baker emphasized the importance of caution while enjoying the lake, urging people not to underestimate the dangers posed by water.

Heightened Safety Measures and Recommendations

In response to these incidents, Captain Baker and his team have stepped up their efforts to ensure lake-goers’ safety. Increased water patrols are now in effect, especially during the peak summer season. Local law enforcement has also deployed side scan sonar technology to detect bodies and objects within the water, enhancing their ability to respond swiftly to emergencies.

Baker shared essential safety tips for those planning to spend time on the water. “All persons on a vessel should have three points of contact at all times,” he advised. It means keeping both feet firm or steady and having a hand on a fixture on the vessel. For swimmers, knowing your capabilities is crucial to staying safe.

Additionally, Baker recommended creating a float plan and informing someone about your whereabouts while on the water. Keeping a medical kit and staying hydrated in the heat are vital precautions. Despite the recent tragedies, Baker assured the public that Lake Corpus Christi remains safe, provided everyone adheres to safety rules and regulations.

Enjoying Lake Corpus Christi Safely

“Lake Corpus Christi is fine if everybody just obeys the safety rules and regulations and takes care of themselves,” Baker emphasized. He added that wearing protective gear and refraining from entering the water after consuming alcohol are critical steps to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

As the summer season approaches, the message is clear: Respect the water, follow safety guidelines, and stay vigilant to prevent further tragedies. By taking these precautions, everyone can enjoy Lake Corpus Christi’s beauty and recreational opportunities without compromising safety.

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