DPS Troopers Stop Multiple Wrong-Way Drivers

DPS Troopers

Major Changes and DPS Troopers Presence

Significant changes have occurred around the Harbor Bridge area, leading to increased safety measures and law enforcement visibility. Recently, authorities closed two ramps and temporarily shut down another, significantly altering traffic patterns. Additionally, there has been a substantial increase in the presence of Department of Public Safety (DPS) Troopers. These changes come amid efforts to enhance road safety and reduce incidents on Highway 181.

Profound Impact of DPS Troopers

Starting Monday, DPS released new data showcasing their troopers’ considerable influence in the area. “They’ve been putting in immense effort. Over the past six months since the launch of this initiative, they’ve conducted more than 15,000 traffic stops,” stated Harold Mallory, the DPS Public Information Officer. This effort is part of a broader initiative to curb traffic violations and enhance driver safety around the Harbor Bridge.

DPS Troopers Focus on Wrong-Way Driving

In response to a concerning spike in fatal wrong-way crashes on the harbor bridge, authorities established the Wrong-Way Driver Task Force in March. The task force has made significant strides: “Since its inception, troopers have made 134 DWI arrests and 208 narcotics-related arrests and have issued over 5,600 citations,” Mallory added.

Portland Police Department has also reported a positive impact, with zero wrong-way incidents since March, alongside 74 DWI arrests. On the Corpus Christi side, DPS Troopers have actively prevented ten wrong-way driving incidents, mainly near the Twigg Street off-ramp. This area benefits from continuous monitoring by stationed units.

“We actively seek out these wrong-way drivers even before they enter the bridge. As a result, we managed to apprehend all these drivers before they could reach the bridge. Among these ten drivers, eight were found to be intoxicated.” Mallory elaborated on the proactive measures to intercept drivers at risk of heading the wrong way.

Ongoing Commitment to Safety

The duration of the heightened presence of DPS troopers around the Harbor Bridge remains currently undetermined. Nonetheless, they remain committed to ongoing collaboration with partner agencies. The primary focus continues to be reducing DWIs and preventing wrong-way driving incidents, which pose significant risks on the Harbor Bridge.

Intensified enforcement and preventative action by the DPS and local police are crucial steps towards safeguarding the well-being of commuters and reducing the frequency of potentially fatal traffic incidents in the Harbor Bridge area. Through these concerted efforts, the community hopes to see continued improvements in road safety and a sustained decrease in traffic-related offenses.

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