Damage Prevention: Minimize Storm Impact on Your Home

Damage Prevention

As we continue to monitor the heavy rain headed our way, it’s crucial to minimize potential storm damage around your home, both inside and out. Following these expert tips can protect your property and prevent costly repairs.

Preventing Interior Water Damage

Act Quickly to Address Leaks

“Our rule of thumb is that as soon as there is a leak and there’s a water stain, and if that’s not cut, make a little incision or anything, it’s just going to continue growing and expanding until it falls, and there’s insulation everywhere, and it causes bigger issues right,” says Andres Cardenas of Restoration 1 Corpus Christi. “You make one little hole and prevent that from growing; it’s an easy patchwork instead of a whole ceiling replacement; that’s a huge deal,” Cardenas emphasizes that ceiling, wall, and floor damage are the most common issues after high water incidents.

Use Simple Tools to Prevent Damage

Cardenas advises homeowners to take simple measures to protect their interiors: “Put a trash can, put some towels up, prevent water from going onto your floors, going through your baseboards, and the same thing with your window.” He also suggests using duct tape to seal the edges of windows and doors facing the wind, preventing water from seeping in.

Securing the Exterior of Your Home

Clear Debris and Trim Trees

On the outside, there are plenty of good tips from landscaper Chris Winkler of Coastal Scapes. “We’re in that weird time of year where people are still getting their palm trees trimmed, you know, seed pods, dead fronds, so there’s tons of palm tree debris that’s just kind of lying all over,” Winkler says. He warns that the freeze may have weakened the core of your normally durable palms, which could cause problems.

Anchor Loose Items and Reinforce Structures

While walking around a home, Winkler pointed out other trouble spots. “The trampoline, want to anchor that down, make sure it’s fully anchored down,” he said. “Ensure you return the fence pickets, especially if the fence is slightly weaker. If you have the space, consolidate everything by putting outdoor furniture in the garage. If not, try to place it as close to the house as possible.”

Check and Secure Outdoor Items

Winkler also advises checking the back of your house for any building materials, unwanted toys, or tools that could become hazardous during a storm. “If you have potted plants, putting those in the garage is a good idea,” he suggests.

Regular Monitoring During Heavy Rain

During heavy rain, checking around your house is essential to minimize damage periodically. Taking proactive steps can protect your home and reduce the risk of significant harm.

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