Choosing Video Games as Gifts: Understanding Addiction Risks

As Black Friday approaches, marking the start of the holiday gift-giving season, video games and gaming consoles emerge as top choices on many shopping lists. Their popularity is undeniable, but it’s essential to recognize the potential for addictive behavior associated with gaming.

Dr. Chris Leeth, an assistant professor of counselor education and a gaming specialist at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, emphasizes the need for moderation in gaming. “It’s like anything else,” he says, suggesting that balance is critical.

Dr. Leeth’s expertise is not only in gaming but also in the broader spectrum of internet addictive disorder. He’s at the forefront of educating counselors and other professionals about the signs and impacts of this disorder. His insights are precious as we navigate the intricacies of digital entertainment and its effects on daily life.

One primary concern raised by Dr. Leeth is the consequences of excessive gaming. He notes that these can range from minor issues like being late for class or work to more severe problems, including neglecting responsibilities or relationships. For parents, monitoring their children’s gaming time is crucial. Dr. Leeth advises watching for signs of difficulty in disengaging from gaming, like temper tantrums or obsessive anticipation for the next gaming session. “Parents should help their children understand that gaming shouldn’t be the center of their life,” he asserts, advocating for it to be a hobby rather than a dominating activity.

Dr. Leeth’s experience with college students reveals that the most significant impact of gaming addiction is often on relationships. He has observed how gaming can lead to a disconnect between partners, where one feels neglected and is too absorbed in the virtual world.

According to Dr. Leeth, the key is to understand and maintain the balance between gaming and real-life responsibilities and relationships.
Interestingly, Dr. Leeth points out that video games are not inherently harmful. People play games for various reasons, including relaxation and social connections. Gaming has even evolved into a profession over the past decade. However, aspiring to be a professional gamer can also come with addictive risks. Dr. Leeth suggests that the journey towards such a goal needs to be realistic and balanced, ensuring that other life values are addressed.

The symptoms of gaming addiction can be similar to those of other addictions. Dr. Leeth draws parallels to substance addiction, noting behaviors like the need to start the day with gaming, arguments about gaming habits, feelings of guilt, or secretive behavior as warning signs. Recognizing these signs is the first step toward addressing the problem.

Dr. Leeth encourages anyone struggling with gaming addiction to seek help from a counselor or therapist. Like any other addiction, professional guidance can be crucial in finding a healthier balance.

As we dive into the festive shopping season, it’s vital to be mindful of the potential for gaming addiction. Gifts that bring joy are lovely, but awareness and moderation are essential to ensure that these gifts don’t turn into sources of unintended consequences. Let’s enjoy gaming as a fun and engaging pastime, but remember to keep it balanced with the rest of our lives.

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