Bootstrap Energy Announces $400M Saxet Energy Park with Battery Storage


The new $400 million Saxet Energy Park by Bootstrap Energy Company is directly opposite the Lyondell plant on McKenzie Road.

“We’re gearing up to begin building a facility that will harness 300 MW of power and accommodate as many as 100,000 computers,” mentioned Matt Held, Co-owner of Bootstrap Energy.

Held gave a glimpse into the adapted shipping containers fitted with computer racks. One container already showcased operational computers. They are designed and set up for cryptocurrency mining or advanced computing tasks such as AI.”

“Bootstrap Energy representatives announced that the Bitcoin mining operation should be fully functional by the upcoming summer,” he commented.

The 115-acre plot, previously used for farming, will also host an enormous battery energy storage system. This facility is intended to ensure a steady power supply to our grid.

“The battery storage, linked to the grid, will optimize the abundant peak energy, mainly wind energy, during the evening and overnight. The battery will maintain a high charge and can feed energy back during peak demand times,” he explained.

At the council meeting on Tuesday, city officials gave the green light to the battery facility project. Many are enthusiastic about its potential, especially considering the tax revenue it will bring.

“It’s an environmentally-friendly endeavor, emphasizing once more renewable energy,” expressed Corpus Christi Councilman Roland Barrera.

The energy storage facility is anticipated to become operational in 2025.

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