Black Eye Doctor in Coastal Bend Provides Essential Care and Inspiration

Dr. Charlotte Akor shines as a beacon of hope and excellence in pediatric ophthalmology in the heart of Coastal Bend. With a rigorous 14-year educational journey behind her, including four years in medical school, a year dedicated to research and ocular pathology, and a demanding residency, Dr. Akor has established herself as the go-to specialist for children’s eye care in the region.

Pediatric ophthalmology is a niche field where precision and expertise are paramount, especially when treating non-verbal patients. Dr. Akor’s ability to diagnose and prescribe the correct strength of glasses for children who cannot express their vision problems is remarkable. “One special thing about pediatric ophthalmologists is that even though a person is non-verbal, we can determine ‘Do they need glasses?’ ‘What’s the strength of glasses they need,'” Dr. Akor explains, highlighting her specialty’s unique challenges and rewards.

Dr. Akor’s presence in Coastal Bend is particularly noteworthy as she is one of only two fellowship-trained pediatric ophthalmologists south of San Antonio. This distinction places her in a small, elite group of specialists capable of providing high-level care in a region where such expertise is scarce.

The broader context of diversity in the medical profession further magnifies the significance of Dr. Akor’s role. According to State Physician Workforce data, only 6.3% of doctors in Texas are Black, and nationwide, Black women constitute a mere 2.8% of all doctors. Dr. Akor’s presence in a less urbanized area like Coastal Bend fills a critical need for specialized pediatric eye care. It challenges the underrepresentation of African American doctors, particularly in specialized fields outside major urban centers. “I think we’re around,” Dr. Akor says, addressing the scarcity of Black doctors in similar locales. “It’s challenging in places that are not big cities due to the lack of African American doctors.”

Upon moving to Coastal Bend and taking over Clear Vision Pediatric, Dr. Akor faced initial resistance, a testament to the hurdles faced by African American professionals in various fields. “It helped having patients already here, but being African American sometimes means not getting the same level of respect as my predecessor,” she reflects. Despite these challenges, Dr. Akor emphasizes the importance of representation, striving to excel in her field and inspire the next generation.

Outside the clinic, Dr. Akor is a dedicated mother to two young children, balancing her professional commitments with her role as a parent. Her interactions with her children show her motivations and the values she hopes to instill. “My children are still feeling me out,” she shares. “I’m trying to be an inspiration to them.” This personal anecdote underscores the broader impact of her work, extending beyond patient care to influence and inspire her own family.

Dr. Akor’s commitment to her community and her profession is unwavering. Despite the challenges, she remains dedicated to her practice, emphasizing the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. Holding privileges at three Coastal Bend hospitals, she relies on a network of professionals to ensure her business thrives. “So we’re learning, right? Whatever business we have, we treat people the way we want to be treated,” Dr. Akor concludes, reflecting her philosophy of care and community engagement.

In Coastal Bend, Dr. Charlotte Akor is a testament to the medical field’s power of dedication, expertise, and compassion. Her journey and work provide essential care to the region’s youngest patients, challenge stereotypes, and inspire future generations to pursue their dreams, regardless of the obstacles they may face.

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