10 Texas Driving Laws You Might Be Breaking Without Knowing It

10 Texas Driving Laws

Watch Your Driving in Texas

Let’s be honest—whether you’re cruising through your hometown or taking a road trip across the Lone Star State, we’ve all judged someone’s driving at some point. But here’s the twist: you might be breaking the law yourself without even realizing it. Many drivers unknowingly violate certain rules, and others simply ignore them altogether. To help you steer clear of costly fines and drive safely, here are 10 Texas Driving Laws every motorist should know.

1. Keep Right, Pass Left — It’s the Law

In Texas, the right lane is not just a casual driving suggestion—it’s for slower traffic. Use the left lane only to pass. After overtaking a vehicle, return to the right lane.

On highways with three or more lanes, the center lane is for regular-flow traffic, while the left remains strictly for passing. Misusing these lanes can lead to road rage, congestion, or even a ticket.

2. Turn Signals: Required, Not Optional

Turn signals are more than a polite gesture—the Law requires them. Whether you’re making a turn, changing lanes, or leaving a parking spot, using your signal helps prevent accidents.

Flick the lever up for right turns and down for left turns. It’s simple, but many drivers still forget this crucial rule.

3. Stop for School Buses—Every Time

Suppose a school bus stops and extends its stop sign; all vehicles approaching from behind or in the opposite direction must stop completely. You cannot pass the bus until it retracts the sign and starts moving again.

This rule helps protect children as they get on or off the bus. Ignoring it can result in hefty fines or worse.

4. Follow Posted Speed Limits—Always

Texas is known for its high-speed highways, with some toll roads allowing up to 85 mph. However, urban areas have limits ranging from 25 to 45 mph, and school zones typically range from 15 to 20 mph.

When in doubt, follow the traffic flow until you see a posted sign, and constantly adjust your speed in bad weather or construction zones.

5. Seat Belts Save Lives—and They’re Mandatory

Texas law requires all front-seat occupants to wear seat belts. Passengers under 17 must buckle up wherever they sit in the vehicle.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, half of the 25,420 vehicle occupant deaths in 2022 involved people not wearing seat belts. Buckle up—it’s not just brilliant; it’s the Law.

6. Reading Texts While Driving Is Illegal

We all know texting while driving is dangerous. Still, Texas law goes a step further—reading messages while operating a vehicle is also illegal.

Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” or use Bluetooth for hands-free communication. Better yet, pull over if you need to read a message.

7. Don’t Camp Out at Rest Stops

Rest areas are significant for stretching your legs or taking a quick nap—but don’t overstay your welcome. Staying longer than 24 hours or setting up a tent, booth, or shelter is against the Law.

Texas has 76 rest stops, all open 24/7, but none of them are campgrounds.

8. No cell phones for Learner Permit Holders

Drivers with a learner permit, usually aged 15 to 17, cannot use cellphones or Bluetooth unless there’s an emergency.

This rule helps young, inexperienced drivers stay focused on the road.

9. No Underage Riders in Open Beds or Boats

It might seem harmless fun, but the law prohibits drivers from allowing anyone under 18 to ride in an open truck bed or be pulled in a boat or jet ski—unless it’s during a parade or on a beach.

10. Two License Plates Are Required

Most vehicles in Texas must display two license plates—one on the front and one on the back. Displaying a plate on your dashboard doesn’t count and can result in a $200 fine.

The only exceptions? Motorcycles, trailers, antique cars, and military vehicles.

Know the Laws, Drive Smart

Driving in Texas means following a unique set of road rules that not everyone fully understands. Whether you’re a lifelong Texan or just passing through, knowing and following the 10 Texas Driving Laws can help you avoid fines and keep the roads safer for everyone. So buckle up, stay alert, and when in doubt, take a moment to review the Texas Transportation Code.

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