Inceptiv for Chronic Pain Sufferers


In April 2024, Medtronic’s groundbreaking device, “Inceptiv” received FDA approval, offering a new ray of hope for chronic pain sufferers. This innovative technology is now available at the Advanced Pain Specialist office on the Southside, the only clinic in South Texas providing access to this advanced treatment.

A Beacon of Hope for Chronic Pain Patients

For patients like Cyndi Galvan-Yanez, who has endured years of chronic pain, Inceptiv represents a significant breakthrough. Galvan-Yanez’s struggle with pain began after she partially tore two ligaments and completely tore a tendon two years ago, requiring surgery. Unfortunately, the injury recurred the following year, necessitating a second surgery. The chronic pain that followed led her down a difficult path, filled with hopelessness and despair.

Her journey turned positive when she went to Dr Wilson Velazquez, a specialist at the Southside clinic, where she learned about Inception.

“Being that he’s here and he can do this for me and anybody else, it’s a blessing,” Galvan-Yanez shared, expressing her gratitude for the opportunity to try this new treatment.

Understanding How Inceptiv Works

Dr. Velazquez explained the science behind Inceptiv and its potential to transform the lives of chronic pain sufferers. The device, when implanted, controls pain by altering the unpleasant sensations that patients typically experience.

“This device, when properly implanted, can control the pain of the patient. Instead of feeling the same, chronic bad sensation, it’s changed to a pleasant sensation,” Dr. Velazquez explained.

What sets Inceptiv apart from previous technologies is its ability to listen to the body 50 times per second, adjusting the stimulation it provides based on the patient’s needs. This adaptive approach ensures that the treatment remains practical and comfortable, offering significant relief from conditions such as back surgery-related pain and diabetic neuropathy.

“Medical conditions, like persons who have had back surgery, nerve pain, and now diabetic neuropathy, can be managed with this device. Diabetic neuropathy is a big problem here in South Texas due to the high incidence of diabetes,” Dr. Velazquez added, highlighting the importance of this new technology in the region.

A More Comfortable and Effective Solution

One of the most significant advantages of Inceptiv is its comfort compared to older technologies. Dr. Velazquez emphasized that this new device provides daily comfort and is more beneficial for patients.

The process begins with a five-day trial period, during which patients can experience the benefits of the device firsthand. If they find relief and comfort during the trial, they can proceed with surgery to implant the permanent device.

“Out of 10 patients that we try, 6 to 7, 70% say, ‘Dr. I like it,'” Dr. Velazquez shared, indicating the high success rate and patient satisfaction with Inceptiv.

Costs and Insurance Considerations

The procedure costs between $18,000 and $20,000, but Dr. Velazquez highlighted that several variables influence pricing. Fortunately, many insurance plans, including Medicare, cover the procedure as long as patients meet specific criteria.

“We first go through the billing system, and most insurances, including Medicare, provide coverage. Patients just need to have already undergone conservative treatment to qualify,” Dr. Velazquez clarified.

The clinic offers additional information to those interested in Inceptiv and its suitability.

Inceptiv promises to significantly impact the lives of chronic pain sufferers in South Texas, offering new levels of comfort and hope for those who have endured long-term pain.

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