Communication Devices Policy

Communication Devices

The Corpus Christi Independent School District (CCISD) is taking a firm stance on using communication devices such as cell phones, earbuds, and headphones in the upcoming school year. The district will enforce stricter guidelines to ensure these devices do not interfere with the educational environment.

New Policy Overview

The policy introduced in 2018 will be rigorously enforced across all grade levels beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. Students in grades PK-8 must turn off and store away all communication devices during school hours, and high school students in grades 9-12 must keep their devices out of sight during classroom time.

This policy adjustment responds to growing concerns from educators and parents about cell phones’ impact on the learning process and social interactions. Teachers have reported that phones in the classroom have become a significant distraction, disrupting not only individual learning but also classroom dynamics as a whole.

Addressing Concerns

Superintendent Roland Hernandez acknowledges that this change might require an adjustment period for students and their families. However, he emphasizes that the goal is to create a more focused and healthier learning environment. “We understand this may be an adjustment for some of our students and families,” Hernandez said. “While we have been, and will continue to be, a leader in blending technology into the learning process where appropriate, we agree that phones have become a significant distraction during the school day.”

CCISD has made provisions to accommodate situations where students may need to use a phone during school hours. Students may visit the front office to make necessary calls, and phones equipped with emergency alert systems are available in all classrooms, ensuring essential communication without personal devices.

A Step Towards a Healthier School Environment

The district believes these new guidelines will immediately improve the school atmosphere. Students can better engage with their studies and build stronger social connections by minimizing distractions. “We are glad to join other districts around the state and nation in placing reasonable limits, which we are confident will immediately result in a healthier school environment,” Hernandez added.

The guidelines are rooted in the original policy from 2018, which authorized schools to enforce rules as outlined in the student-parent handbook. These rules include potential consequences such as device confiscation for students who do not comply.

As CCISD prepares to implement these stricter guidelines, the district remains committed to balancing technology integration in education with maintaining an environment conducive to learning. Furthermore, the administration is confident that these changes will benefit students academically and socially, setting the stage for a successful school year.

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