35th Anniversary of Elisa Roberson’s Disappearance

35th Anniversary of Elisa Roberson's Disappearance

A Community’s Ongoing Search

On a poignant Tuesday evening in Aransas Pass, the community gathered to mark a sad milestone—the 35th anniversary of Elisa Roberson’s disappearance. On August 6, 1989, young Elisa set out to visit a friend, walking a path between Kieberger Elementary and a residence on Goodnight Avenue—a journey from which she never returned. The memory of that day still casts a long shadow over the town, as retired Lieutenant Linda Thompson reflected, “Thirty-five years ago today, life in Aransas Pass as we knew it ceased to exist.”

A Family’s Resolve

In a heartfelt ceremony, Elisa’s family and community members came together to remember and reignite the commitment to finding her. Elisa’s sister, Ruby Roberson Hall, expressed the family’s undying resolve to continue the search. “We’re here today because of Elisa, to honor her memory and to walk with her,” she stated. This gathering was crucial in bridging the gap between the family, the community, and local authorities.

Honoring Elisa

The evening also saw the Aransas Pass City Council play a significant role by proclaiming August 6 as Elisa Roberson Remembrance Day’s 35th anniversary. “I’m very grateful for this proclamation that we were awarded in Elisa’s honor,” said Marina Roberson, Elisa’s mother. This official recognition underscores the community’s ongoing support and commitment to remembering Elisa and keeping the hope alive.

A Symbolic Tribute

As the sun set, attendees retraced Elisa’s last known steps, a symbolic act of walking with her in spirit. The walk concluded at the elementary school grounds, where butterflies were released; each flutters a tribute to Elisa’s enduring legacy. This remembrance reminds her of the beauty of her life and the hope that persists in the hearts of those who loved her.

A Call to Action

The family and community’s quest for answers continues, and they earnestly urge anyone with information to come forward. Should you possess any details, no matter how minor, that might help bring Elisa home, please do not hesitate to contact missingelisa1989@gmail.com or connect with your local police department. Indeed, every piece of information, regardless of its perceived insignificance, could potentially unlock the solution to this decades-long mystery.

As Aransas Pass remembers Elisa Roberson, the unity and resolve shown by the community and her family are a powerful testament to the bonds that tragedies, however harrowing, can forge among us. The search for Elisa continues, driven by love, hope, and the relentless pursuit of closure.

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