The city of Corpus Christi has embarked on an ambitious journey to rejuvenate its aging and deteriorating residential streets, addressing a long-standing issue that has troubled its residents for decades. This initiative reflects the city's commitment to improving infrastructure for its citizens. Victor Garcia, a lifelong resident of Vestal Street, has witnessed the transformation of his street firsthand. "It's good," he remarks, noting the...
As the holiday season unfolds, the spirit of giving and compassion is vibrantly alive in rural communities, particularly in Jim Wells County, where a remarkable effort is underway to alleviate hunger. Alice Volunteer Services, a cornerstone of community support, actively addresses food insecurity through its unique combination of a resale shop and food pantry. Since its inception in 1983, Alice Volunteer Services has been a beacon of hope for...
As the holiday season approaches, we all will be traveling, leaving our homes and the packages delivered there vulnerable. It's crucial to be mindful of home security during this time. Lieutenant Jorge Coello of the Corpus Christi Police Department (CCPD) shares essential tips for safeguarding your property and deliveries. Lieutenant Coello emphasizes the importance of making your home appear occupied, even when you're away. Simple actions like...
Rebecca Farias emerges as a baking sensation from the vibrant city of Corpus Christi. Her baking journey began as a child, standing on tiptoes to reach the kitchen countertop. This early fascination with baking led her to compete in the prestigious Greatest Baker competition, endorsed by Cake Boss Buddy Valastro. A Childhood Filled with Flour and Fond Memories Rebecca's passion for baking was nurtured in her family kitchen. By age eight, she was...
As the festive season approaches, many eagerly anticipate the joy of unwrapping gifts. However, this tradition comes with a significant environmental impact. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, around 30 million trees are consumed yearly to produce holiday wrapping materials. But there's a more eco-friendly way to handle this holiday waste, as emphasized by Rey Flores, Assistant Director of the City of Corpus Christi's Solid Waste...